Ekta Kapoor's big ticket promotional series, EkThi Nayika on Life OK is not leaving any stone unturned to make headlines these days. May be it for bringing back Smriti Irani and Sakshi Tanwar together on screen or making Balaji leads to be part of the show, Ekta Kapoor has proved herself once again as queen of Indian Television with this innovative idea of promoting her movie Ek Thi Daayan.
Now, the latest exclusive news that we have received is that televisions most lovable and famous onscreen Jodi, Mihir-Tulsi will be seen together for the first time post Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi. The audiences will once again get to experience the hit duo and their chemistry which is still fresh in millions of minds.
A source quips, " AmarUpadhyay is under consideration for a particular role in EkThiNaayika and if things fall in place, he will be on board."
Therefore we contacted Amar Upadhyay and he confirmed, "Yes, I have been approached for the role opposite Smriti Irani and I am willing to do it. Though I haven't started shooting, I will start the shoot soon."
When asked about getting back with Balaji Telefilms and EktaKapoor, Amar shared, "It is always a pleasure to work with EktaKapoor as she has also proved herself as a TV and a film producer. Working for Balaji is like coming home again and of course it makes you nostalgic. I am sure the experience will be fun."
Keep reading this space to know more exclusive updates!
Now, the latest exclusive news that we have received is that televisions most lovable and famous onscreen Jodi, Mihir-Tulsi will be seen together for the first time post Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi. The audiences will once again get to experience the hit duo and their chemistry which is still fresh in millions of minds.
A source quips, " AmarUpadhyay is under consideration for a particular role in EkThiNaayika and if things fall in place, he will be on board."
Therefore we contacted Amar Upadhyay and he confirmed, "Yes, I have been approached for the role opposite Smriti Irani and I am willing to do it. Though I haven't started shooting, I will start the shoot soon."
When asked about getting back with Balaji Telefilms and EktaKapoor, Amar shared, "It is always a pleasure to work with EktaKapoor as she has also proved herself as a TV and a film producer. Working for Balaji is like coming home again and of course it makes you nostalgic. I am sure the experience will be fun."
Keep reading this space to know more exclusive updates!
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