1. How often do you shop?
A. I shop once in a year. Why spend unnecessarily?
B. I shop when I know that I need something or when i really like something, but it has to be within a certain budget.
C. I shop all the time. I always need something or the other.
2. When you go out with friends, do you split the bill?
A. I don't go out with my friends. I think it's ridiculous to eat out when i can cook at home. Why waste money?
B. Anything above Rs 10 and we split it. Of course there are treats that I don't mind giving.
C. No way am I going to allow my friends to pay.
3. How often are you out of the house?
A. I hate going out because that means extra kharcha.
B. I am out every now and then. But it could just be hanging at a friend's place.
C. I am out all the time. I love shopping and I prefer spending time at the malls.
4. If you see a nice pair of shoes, what would you do?
A. If it's not time for my annual shopping spree then I will hope that its available even then.
B. I don't mind buying something expensive once in a while but it has to fit in a certain budget.
C. Buy it, of course. What are all those credit cards for.
5. If you one a lottery what would you do?
A. I would save every penny.
B. I would spend some part of it and save the rest.
C. I'd go shopping around the globe.
Mostly As: You need to chill. Pamper yourself sometime. Spending on yourself isn't a bad things. At this rate none of your friends will want to hang out with you. Being a homebody is good but don't spend all your life indoor.
Mostly Bs: You are sensible and don't spend for the heck of it. You know that hard-earned money can't be spent without a reason, but at the same time you aren't depriving yourself of things that you are really fond of.
Mostly Cs: You need to start saving. Your spending may be a bigger problem. You should probably think deeply about what drives you to spend so much.
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